Sam’s Return

Filed Under (The Vault) by Admin on 21-08-2013

SamReturns_05_05One year after the orginal ordeal, a year after swearing not to relive the confusion of her body and her senses, Sam is drawn back to the binding. At home, the focus of her life’s daily requirements are dulling her senses, and eroding awareness of her physical self. Even the ritual of professional achievement is losing its lure. She is compelled by her body. In the haze of daily predictable sensations, she makes the phone call that will always provide her with the nuances of satisfaction.

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A physical challenge and emotional torture…

Filed Under (Articles) by Admin on 14-07-2009

SamReturns_03_03Sam’s Return

At home, the focus of her life’s daily requirements are dulling her senses, and eroding awareness of her physical self. Even the ritual of professional achievement is losing its lure. She is compelled by her body. In the haze of daily predictable sensations, she makes the phone call that will always provide her with the nuances of satisfaction.

In what might have been hours or days or a week, Sam is at the airport. She arrives to the smell of kerosine and fatigue. The scent is specific to places of exchange. Normally, the combination is delicate and infused into the air, attempting to conceal itself. But by now, Sam is trained without knowing it. Already she is very aware of these details; the boredom of airport colors, reflections of people at adjoining gates, metal detectors and overweight security personal huddle, too obviously, in one place. The smell of the unit – it is the smell of everything interior…

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From the Insex Vault… Olympics

Filed Under (Bonus update) by Admin on 07-06-2009

olympics_01_03Bonus update: Olypics

The girls of began their training for the Bondage Olympics,
as suggested and imagined by subscribers.
“The Master’s Challenge” was to get six girls into bondage,
based on two crude drawings. PD and Viking made it happen.

If they ever add a Bondage event to the Olympics,
the team will be ready!
Thanks for a fun day,
and thanks for keeping us “in shape!”

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