112’s Test

Filed Under (Articles) by Admin on 07-12-2021

112test_05_01John never did get it. The sexual stuff, I mean. Like how I wanted him to tie me up. How I wanted to be helpless. I wanted him to use me, use my “holes”, all of them, for his gratification. Put anything you want inside of me, I said to him. Treat me dirty. When we first got married, he tried a few things with me. But then he got disgusted, saying I was crazy. A pervert. John has no idea what I’m doing this weekend. He’s gone for three days on a business trip. I’m on the train to New York.

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112’s Debut Feed

Filed Under (Articles) by Admin on 09-01-2021

I want to do what I want to do. I don’t need no loud mouth, spoiled brat telling me what to do. I want someone who won’t bitch and moan all the time making me miserable! And I make sure she understands this! I want what I want ! When I decide to spend some time with her, if she complains about anything, I’ll put her aside with the others until she shuts her big mouth up!

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